The Vice President of Brazil Visits GWM's Brazilian New Energy Plant

GWM News 2023-05-10

Recently, Geraldo Alckmin, Vice President of Brazil, and Tarc í sio de Freitas, Governor of Sao Paulo, visited GWM's Brazilian factory to experience its new energy technology. Chinese Ambassador to Brazil Zhu Qingqiao and Consul General in Sao Paulo Chen Peijie attended. GWM introduced the production plan to the visiting guests, demonstrated the product strength of intelligent new energy, including hybrid, pure electricity and hydrogen technology, and launched the first hybrid flexible fuel pickup project in Brazil. During the event, GWM signed a "Memorandum of Understanding on Hydrogen Energy Cooperation and Development" with the state government of Sao Paulo in Brazil to jointly promote the feasibility study of hydrogen powered transportation.

Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alkmin and Chinese Ambassador to Brazil Zhu Qingqiao visited GWM's Brazilian factory

Brazil's first new energy factory will officially start operation in the first half of next year

At the ceremony, Yang Weiqi, president of GWM Latin America market, officially introduced the latest progress of GWM Brazilian factory. At present, the Erasemapolis factory is being upgraded smoothly according to GWM global standard of smart factory. In the first half of this year, the modern transformation and expansion of the production line will be started, and the new factory is expected to officially start operation on May 1, 2024. In the future, the factory's production capacity will increase to 100000 vehicles per year and create 2000 direct employment opportunities.

Geraldo Alkmin, Vice President of Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao, Chinese Ambassador to Brazil, and others took a group photo with GWM's Brazilian team

Vice President Alcomin said that "GWM 'Brazilian factory will become the first new energy vehicle factory specializing in producing hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles in Brazil". At the same time, he pointed out that "Brazil's new industrialization must involve decarbonization and innovation to create a more sustainable and efficient production mode. There is synergy between the Brazilian automobile industry represented by GWM and the Brazilian government".

Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alkmin interviewed more than 30 authoritative global and local media outlets in Brazil

Chinese Ambassador to Brazil Zhu Qingqiao pointed out that, "GWM is a well-known automobile brand among Chinese people. Since its entry into Brazil in 2021, it has been committed to using new technologies and new energy to help local sustainable development. Just now, we have visited GWM to test drive a new generation of clean energy vehicles. What we feel is the green and intelligent experience brought by China's first-class automobile brands, and the vitality of transformation and upgrading of China Brazil mutually beneficial cooperation in the new era. It is also the practical actions by the two countries to implement the achievements of the President Lula's visit to China.

In addition to meeting the demand for intelligent and electric vehicles in the Brazilian local market, GWM's Brazilian factory will also serve as the fourth largest production base of GWM in the world and radiate the entire Latin American.

Accelerate the local development of hybrid products and create a leader in segmented categories

During his visit to the factory, Vice President Alkmin, accompanied by Brazilian experts from GWM, had a deep understanding of the latest technology of the enterprise and the first local model GWM will launch in Brazil - hybrid flexible fuel pickup. In order to meet the local legal and regulatory requirements, road driving environment, and local user habits in Brazil, the company is actively conducting localization testing and development. Yang Weiqi, President of Latin America Region, introduced to the Vice President and guests: "This is GWM's first hybrid flexible fuel pickup in Brazil. Our R&D team has carried out a lot of work to ensure that this product meets the strictest quality and durability standards. It perfectly combines the efficiency of the motor with the green fuel —ethanol, which it’s common in Brazil".

Vice President Alkmin Experience the Hybrid flexible Fuel Pickup in the Localization Development of GWM in Brazil

Vice President Alkmin had a comprehensive understanding of GWM 'hybrid technology and power solutions for the Brazilian market in the coming years, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, electric and hydrogen energy, and other new energy technology paths laid out by GWM

GWM said that at the current development stage of the Brazilian market, ethanol fueled plug-in hybrid power is one of the best technical solutions, which conforms to the geographical environment of Brazil with a large territory and complex road conditions, and the current power generation and energy storage structure of the country. Currently, 80% of Brazil's electricity comes from renewable energy, far higher than the global average of 30%.

Relying on hydrogen energy technology and collaborating with the state government  to jointly promote the R&D of carbon reduction technologies

Under the strategic cooperation framework of China and Brazil actively advocating mutual investment, R&D and innovation cooperation in renewable energy, bioenergy and hydrogen energy, and under the witness of Tassio Freitas, the governor of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Chen Peijie, the Chinese Consul General in Sao Paulo, the Sao Paulo government and GWM signed a memorandum of cooperation on hydrogen energy projects to jointly promote the feasibility study of hydrogen powered transportation.

Governor of Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, witnessed the signing of cooperation on hydrogen projects between the two sides

“The state of Sao Paulo hopes to become a leader in energy transformation. We have enormous potential in ethanol, which will be a bridge for us to move towards hydrogen powered vehicles. Hydrogen technology has broad prospects in the field of freight transportation, and this will be a revolution in Brazilian transportation. The technology (converting ethanol into hydrogen) is already in place, and only some incentives (policies) are needed we can have ethanol factories produce green hydrogen gas. We are connecting various nodes of sustainable development to ultimately achieve this energy revolution. The whole of Brazil will benefit greatly from it.” The governor stated during the visit.

Governor of Sao Paulo, Consul General Chen Peijie and other leaders attended the signing ceremony

Consul General Chen Peijie said, "GWM, as a leader in the new energy vehicle industry in China and even in the world, has been making positive efforts to promote the green transformation of energy. Soon after entering the Brazilian market, it became famous. It’s new car pre-sales exceeded expectations, and created jobs and income for the local people.".

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As a global intelligent and technology company, GWM will invest more than 10 billion reais in Brazil in the next 10 years for its operations in Brazil. Relying on the strong strength of the forest ecosystem, it will focus on creating a clean and intelligent mobility experience, layout hydrogen technology, and bring " Greener, Higher, Safer" intelligent new energy products to local customers. At the same time, it actively responds to the friendly cooperation strategy between China and Brazil, and is committed to contributing to the development of Brazil's automobile industry and carbon neutrality with technology and innovation.