GWM Wins the Certificate of NO.1 in Terms of Patent Authorization and Disclosure

GWM News 2023-06-14

On June 8, the China Automobile Intellectual Property Application Promotion Center awarded two certificates for Great Wall Holdings (including Great Wall Motor, parts and components subsidiaries of Great Wall Holdings, etc.), namely, -the “NO.1 in patent authorization" and “the NO.1 in patent disclosure" of private independent vehicle group.

The certificates of “The NO.1 in patent authorization" and “The NO.1 in patent disclosure”

On the 2022 list released by AutoPat, the global automotive patent big data platform, GWM owned 6,042 patent disclosures with a year-on-year increase of 62.86%, ranking first among Chinese privately owned auto enterprises; it had 4,652 patent authorizations with a year-on-year increase of 42.87%, ranking first among Chinese auto enterprises. Moreover, in the NEV field, GWM possessed 1,966 patent disclosures and 1,650 patent authorizations, with a year-on-year increase of 51.11% and 80.53% respectively, ranked No. 1 again among auto enterprises in China.

Wang Junlei (left), chief engineer of CATARC issued the certificate

Rapid iteration of new energy technology continuously breaks through new heights of China's automotive technology

The intelligent new energy track is not a sprint of 100 meters, but a prolonged "marathon". In the face of the wave of new energy and intelligent industries, GWM not only has an abundant technical reserve, but also has to master core technology, improve core competitiveness, and compete in the "smart new energy marathon" with technical strength as the driving force.

In the field of new energy, GWM has established a development strategy of simultaneous development of multiple technology roadmap. The three tracks of hybrid, pure electricity and hydrogen energy are in parallel, with profound layout, accelerating the transformation of automobile electrification and seizing the commanding heights of new energy technology.

Especially in hybrid technology, after GWM took the lead in breaking the technology monopoly in 2021 and launched the two gear, two motor and hybrid DHT technology in March this year, it launched a new intelligent 4-WD electric hybrid technology Hi4, with hybrid "new configuration" of three power sources and two axes distributed, new breakthrough of iTVC intelligent torque vector control system, and new height of electromechanical coupling transmission system, it has achieved the experience of 4-WD with the price of 2-WD, the performance of 4-WD, and the energy consumption of 2-WD, ushering in the era of universal electric 4-WD.

GWM intelligent 4-WD electric hybrid technology Hi4

Accelerated implementation of intelligent technology achievements empowering users to have a better intelligent mobility experience

In terms of intelligentization, GWM has the capability of self research on the whole stack of forward-looking core technologies, such as electronic and electrical architecture, intelligent assist driving, intelligent wire control chassis, and intelligent cockpit, and has made breakthroughs in a number of technical fields.

Among them, the new generation intelligent cockpit system Coffee OS 2, self-developed on the V3.5 platform, has been equipped with models such as WEY Blue Mountain, HAVAL Xiaolong MAX, and HAVAL 2nd Gen Dargo. It has achieved comprehensive evolution in multi-mode interaction, map navigation, audio and video entertainment, ecological services, and other aspects. Through scenario-based and personalized service customization, it promotes the upgrading of active interactive human-vehicle relationships and comprehensively improves user mobility experience.

At present, relying on the forest ecosystem, GWM continues to deepen the "Science and Technology" strategy, consolidate product competitiveness with technological innovation, and accelerate the transformation to new energy and intelligence. In the future, GWM will, under the guidance of the declaration of " Greener, Higher, Safer ", firmly adhere to the original aspiration of car building, continue to promote the improvement of core technology, and boost the development of China's automobile industry with more advanced smart new energy technologies and products.