GWM Pure Electric Cars Crossing Indo-China Peninsula

GWM News 2023-08-08

On August 1, the "Electric Drive, New Territory - GWM pure electric crossing trip of Indo-China Peninsula" officially started. A fleet consisting of car owners, dealers, and media influencers from Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore will depart from Bangkok, Thailand, cross Malaysia, go through three countries within eight days. The journey will last for 4,000 kilometers, and undergo "scorching test" of high temperature and humidity before finally arriving in Singapore. This will be the first long  test journey of China's electric vehicles overseas, opening a new chapter for GWM's in-depth layout in the ASEAN market, and verifying GWM's leading position and sustainable development potential in the field of electric vehicles.

The fleet plans to pass through multiple sales outlets and energy supplement outlets of GWM in the ASEAN region, fully demonstrating the first mover advantage in the market layout, network support and service guarantee of the ASEAN region; It will also cooperate with local dealers and partners to express GWM’s determination to create a worry free experience and sustainable development for users by going to the dealership outlet  and broadcasting "worry free mileage, worry free service"; At the same time, GWM will also cooperate with strategic partners such as the National Tourism Administration of Thailand to help the development of Thailand's tourism economy.

As the leader of Automotive industry in China, GWM has the courage to enter the global market. This long test journey in the ASEAN region has once again demonstrated the globalization potential of GWM - not only in terms of innovative product technology, but also the forward-looking brand strategy.

The strategic layout of GWM in the ASEAN market further deepened the pace of globalization of GWM, and also demonstrated the ambition of Chinese automobile brands to go overseas. As one of the world's important automobile markets, GWM will continue to seize the opportunity, continue to work hard, and realize the sustainable development according to its ASEAN strategy.